Used machine learning to automatically landmark 3D face scans for medical purposes.
- Thousands of unlabeled 3D scanned faces.
- I wanted to gain a better understanding of how to use machine learning.
- My task was to train a neural network to label them with appropriate landmarks.
- Used the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) to create pipeline for rendering models with multi-camera setups.
- Multi-camera setup was based on a mesh defined in an obj file so it was easily modifiable.
- Trained a Convolutional Neural Network on the rendered images using the Keras neural network API.
- Machine learning using Keras.
- VTK rendering with multiple camera positions.
- Working in the Medical Image Processing and Machine Learning Laboratory at the University of Calgary.
- Training neural networks is computationally intensive (especially when you don’t fully know what you’re doing yet).
- I enjoyed the engineering part too much while somewhat neglecting the scientific components (end result) of the project.